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Note: As of version 4.20.1, AceMoney for Windows uses a new file format (.amj) which cannot be used on PocketPC, therefore you need to use an older version of AceMoney to achieve synchronization! The old versions used the same file format as on PocketPC (.mmw). The instructions below apply to versions prior to 4.20.1 only:
AceMoney and AceMoney for Pocket PC use the same file format. That means the same data file can be opened by both programs, so you can configure synchronization on a file basis using standard features provided by Microsoft Windows.
Instructions for Microsoft ActiveSync (all versions of Windows up to Windows XP):
1. Open ActiveSync and select Tools->Options. Check Files item in the list and click on the Settings button.
2. Click Add... and select your data file. Your data file has .mmw extension. If you don't know the location of your data file you can find it with the help of Windows Search (Start->Search->For Files or Folders, All files, and enter *.mmw in All or part of the file name box).
Instructions for Microsoft Mobile Device Center (Windows Vista):
1. Make sure that AceMoney for Pocket PC is not running on the mobile device.
2. Open Sync Center from the system tray or Start menu.
3. Double click on icon representing your mobile device.
4. Click on Change content sync settings under Mobile Device Settings.
5. Check Files and click on Sync Settings.
6. Use Add.. button to navigate to your .mmw file, click Open when you find it. Sync Center will copy the file to My Documents folder on the mobile device right away. Click Done, then click Save.
7. Launch AceMoney for Pocket PC on your mobile device, use menu to open the file from \My Documents folder.
That's it, now the file will be synchronized each time your mobile device is connected to the desktop.
Article ID: 35
Category: Working with AceMoney on a mobile device
Date added: 2010-08-23 20:24:36
Views : 7242
Rating (Votes): (74)
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