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Please follow these steps when moving your AceMoney to your new computer:
1. First of all, you need to make your AceMoney data file (.amj) openable on other computers. To do so, go to Tools->Options->Password and check "Permit access by multiple users", and add a password. Close the window and go to File->Save to make sure the change is saved.
2. The location of your AceMoney data file (.amj) is shown in the title bar. Use any file manager (Windows Explorer, Total Commander etc) to copy that file to the new system, or to an external drive. The recommended folder for your file on the new computer is My Documents or any subfolder within.
3. Uninstall AceMoney from the old computer.
4. Install the latest version of AceMoney on the new system. Here is the download page - Use the Download button to download your version.
5. Enter your serial number (license code).
6. Run AceMoney and go to File->Open, to open your copied file (that you saved to eg My Documents).
7. If you want to have your data file opened automatically each time you start AceMoney, go to Tools->Options, and check "Load last file during startup".
8. Go to Tools->Backup to enable automatic backup, to always have a safe copy of your data, in case of hard disk failure. Let the destination folder (directory) be something else than your primary drive. A good place is your external hard disk, or a flash drive. Do not type it manually, but rather use the Browser button to select the target folder.
9. If you ever wish to restore data from a backup file, do not double-click the file itself, but in AceMoney go to Tools->Restore.
Article ID: 49
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2015-03-26 13:42:24
Views : 29350
Rating (Votes): (137)
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