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AceMoney uses industry standard OFX protocol to connect to the banks and download account transactions. This protocol is supported by over 4000 banks, and AceMoney can connect to any bank providing this service, unless the connection parameters have not been published so we could not add it to our Online Setup list. Please take advantage of the free trial to check if your bank is in the Online Setup list.
If you believe that your bank supports direct transaction downloads via OFX protocol but cannot find it in AceMoney, please let us know the address of the bank OFX server and we will add your bank to the list of supported online services. Please take into account that OFX server is not the same as the bank web server and the fact that you can download transactions from your account web page does not mean that direct downloads initiated from the software are supported.
Article ID: 21
Category: Import from QIF, OFX and CSV files
Date added: 2010-08-23 20:16:20
Views : 30451
Rating (Votes): (502)
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