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 Category: Tracking credits, loans and mortgages

Articles in this Category

I lent some money to my friend. How can I use AceMoney to track his loan payments?
We suggest two methods. Method 1: Create a new account and call it "Friend". Record a transfer from your own account to this account - this will show initial loan amount. When your friend...
Article rated 2.4/5.0
How to track credit cards?
Usually it makes sense to have a separate credit card account and record all credit card transactions as withdrawals into it. At the end of the cycle that account will have some negative balance. As s...
Article rated 2.4/5.0
How to track mortgage payments?
There are several ways to deal with mortgage payments. A typical mortgage payments usually consists of three parts: principal, interest and escrow. The easiest way to record mortgage payments is by...
Article rated 2.4/5.0

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