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 My stocks or mutual fonds are not known to AceMoney. How can AceMoney download them?


AceMoney can download stock quotes from many different locations, they are called data sources and can be changed in the investment properties dialog. If one data source doesn't allow to download your particular stock quote, try to replace it with another one and try again.

The vast majority of the investment quotes can be obtained from Yahoo Finance. In this case AceMoney uses the same symbols as Yahoo! Finance in order to download the stock prices. Please use Yahoo! Symbol Lookup to find the stock. By default the stocks are downloaded from the United States Stock Exchanges. If you are interested in other stock exchanges, an appropriate suffix should be added to the symbol. Here is a full list of exchanges.

AceMoney supports not only Yahoo! Finance, but many other data sources for the stock quotes, some of them may work better for different markets. You can assign a specific data source for an investment in the investment properties dialog.

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Article ID: 32

Category: Investments

Date added: 2010-08-23 20:23:10

Views : 6740

Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.1/5.0 (137)

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